Nime Computer

Nime Computer: What is it?


The Nime Computer is a complete usable computing system implemented in a single ARM Cortex M0 microcontroller.

This controller is wired to support scanning a 48 key membrane keyboard, drive an LCD graphical display, non-volatile storage to an external EEProm chip and also support Serial, Digial and Analogue ports.

There is 10Kb of onboard SRAM to support the current program (code and variables)

A tiny operating system automatically looks after keyboard scanning, screen update, fonts, cursor, sound and a tiny filing system


The keyboard is connected directly to the Nime Computer PCB. The microcontroller scans the keyboard in one if it's background tasks and feeds any typed characters to a buffered input stream.

LCD Screen

The screen is a small 8 line by 40 character LCD, supporting bitmap graphics.

Th computer outputs text to this screen and handles scrolling as necessary.

Filing System

There is a very simple filing system that allows basic programs to be saved and loaded to the on-board EEProm chip.

Language intepreter

The computer runs a simple BASIC language intepreter that allows simples programs to written and debugged on the computer itself.

How to get up and running -->

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